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A guided tour that helps users understand the interface.


  • Support for different step types such as "dialog", "floating", "tooltip" or "wait"
  • Support for customizable content per step
  • Wait steps for waiting for a specific selector to appear on the page before showing the next step
  • Flexible positioning of the tour dialog per step
  • Progress tracking shows users their progress through the tour


To set up the tour correctly, it's essential to understand its anatomy and the naming of its parts.

Each part includes a data-part attribute to help identify them in the DOM.


Using step types

The tour machine supports different types of steps, allowing you to create a diverse and interactive tour experience. The available step types are defined in the StepType type:

  • tooltip: Displays the step content as a tooltip, typically positioned near the target element.

  • dialog: Shows the step content in a modal dialog centered on screen, useful for starting or ending the tour. This usually don't have a target defined.

  • floating: Presents the step content as a floating element, which can be positioned flexibly on the screen. This usually don't have a target defined.

  • wait: A special type that waits for a specific condition before proceeding to the next step.

const steps: TourStepDetails[] = [
    id: 'step-1',
    type: 'tooltip',
    placement: 'top-start',
    target: () => document.querySelector('#target-1'),
    title: 'Tooltip Step',
    description: 'This is a tooltip step',
    id: 'step-2',
    type: 'dialog',
    title: 'Dialog Step',
    description: 'This is a dialog step',
    id: 'step-3',
    type: 'floating',
    placement: 'top-start',
    title: 'Floating Step',
    description: 'This is a floating step',
    id: 'step-4',
    type: 'wait',
    title: 'Wait Step',
    description: 'This is a wait step',
    effect({ next }) {
      // do something and go next
      // you can also return a cleanup

Configuring actions

Every step supports a list of actions that are rendered in the step footer.Use the actions property to define each action.

const steps: TourStepDetails[] = [
    id: 'step-1',
    type: 'dialog',
    title: 'Dialog Step',
    description: 'This is a dialog step',
    actions: [{ label: 'Show me a tour!', action: 'next' }],

Changing tooltip placement

Use the placement property to define the placement of the tooltip.

const steps: TourStepDetails[] = [
    id: 'step-1',
    type: 'tooltip',
    placement: 'top-start',
    // ...

Hiding the arrow

Set arrow: false in the step property to hide the tooltip arrow. This is only useful for tooltip steps.

const steps: TourStepDetails[] = [
    id: 'step-1',
    type: 'tooltip',
    arrow: false,

Hiding the backdrop

Set backdrop: false in the step property to hide the backdrop. This applies to all step types except the wait step.

const steps: TourStepDetails[] = [
    id: 'step-1',
    type: 'dialog',
    backdrop: false,

Step Effects

Step effects are functions that are called before a step is opened. They are useful for adding custom logic to a step.

This function provides the following methods:

  • next(): Call this method to move to the next step.
  • show(): Call this method to show the current step.
  • update(details: StepDetails): Call this method to update the details of the current step (say, after data has been fetched).
const steps: TourStepDetails[] = [
    id: 'step-1',
    type: 'tooltip',
    effect({ next, show, update }) {
      fetchData().then((res) => {
        // update the step details
        update({ title: res.title })
        // then show show the step

      return () => {
        // cleanup fetch data

Wait Steps

Wait steps are useful when you need to wait for a specific condition before proceeding to the next step.

Use the step effect function to perform an action and then call next() to move to the next step.

Note: You cannot call show() in a wait step.

const steps: TourStepDetails[] = [
    id: 'step-1',
    type: 'wait',
    effect({ next }) {
      const button = document.querySelector('#button')
      const listener = () => next()
      button.addEventListener('click', listener)
      return () => button.removeEventListener('click', listener)

Styling guide

Ensure the box-sizing is set to border-box for the means of measuring the tour target.

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;

Ensure the body has a position of relative.

body {
  position: relative;

API Reference